Tuesday, July 19, 2011

...And It Was The Greatest Idea The Gang Would Ever Have

Kids do stupid things. They do things that would cause adults to ask "WTF where you thinking?". Sometimes these actions get you in a little trouble, other times a lot of trouble.  And some can unfortunately have dire consequences- like what did in poor Little Mikey from the Life Cereal commerical.

Sniff..Damn you, Mikey. I told you not to do it. I told you not eat those
Pop Rocks and then down that Coke...sniff.
And then there are times the actions have no real consequences other than 'I probably should wait until I'm older, probably much older, before I start admitting what we did...especially to girls.' This story is sort of like one those time. Only it should probably never be admitted to...especially to girls. It's from a time period in my life where puberty was just starting. And I'm not sure how others at that age felt, but for my crew we were not happy with the speed at which parts of it was progressing.

(please note that the names have been changed to protect the innocent idiots of this story...all except mine of course.)

When we were about twelve my friends and I were a little obsessed with our body hair growing. But not just growing. It had to be the dark hairs. Peach fuzz was just no longer cutting it.

I remember one day my friend Brock and I were standing on the corner of  a street. It was summer and we were just hanging out, probably eating candy cigarettes and drinking Jolt Cola, while discussing either video games or girls we liked. I decide now is a good time to start looking for some quality dark hairs on my armpits. I pull up my sleeve and start to look. Unfortunately I see only a few pale hairs protruding from the even paler skin of my armpit.

Brock, who was watching this without much regard, because again this was pretty normal behavior for our circle of friends, suddenly states, with some excitement, "Wait, I see two blacks on the corner!"

I, of course, am beyond delighted by my friend's discovery! 'Oh man, my first dark hairs!' ...but as I search  my armpit I do not see them. So I frantically start asking "Where? Where?"
Brock points and says "Right there!"
I don't look to where he is pointing because I'm too busy looking for these damn hairs! "Where dude? I don't see them?"
"Right there, man. They are right there!"
I'm now thoroughly frustrated as I can't find them at all. 'They have to be here! Maybe they are tucked in to a part of my armpit that I can't get a good look at!' I illogically think to myself, unable to accept the fact that Brock just may be messing with me. "Seriously, dude. Where?? Are you just messing with me?" I ask.
"No dude. Two black are on the corner, just look where I am pointing!" he replies.

I finally look up and realize that he was never pointing to my armpit at all but rather he is pointing just over my shoulder. So I turn my head to see what he is pointing at.

lady 1- do you see any?
lady 2-yes, I see two whites on the corner.
lady 1- oh, you do? where?
lady2 - over there!
lady 1 - OH! you mean those kids over there and not on my head! Thank God!
Ugh, damn you Brock and your amazing humor. It is just two black women on an adjacent corner. Hope is dashed and I pull my sleeve down. One day my time will come, unfortunately for me today is not that day. I down what's left of my candy and Jolt and we head up to street to the local school yard for a game of stickball.

If you're wondering why dark hairs were so important to us, the answer is simple. Dark hairs = being a man = getting girls. It was the 80s. The girls dug hairy dudes...
What I wanted to see in the mirror's reflection.
What I saw in the mirror's reflection.

And what the mirror actually reflected
...more or less.
As the summer moved along our obsession with growing dark hairs on our chests, on our armpits, our faces, and the holy grail of areas only intensified. It wasn't unusual for any one of my friends to take a break from whatever we were doing to hit the bathroom to do some reconnaissance of our bodies, looking for those elusive fellas. However it always seem to end with the same disappointing results for all of us.

So what were we to do? Wait for nature to run it's course and just be happy with having the entire summer off to do what we please? For 99% of kids my age I'm sure that is what they would do. But not us. Not my group of friends.

So one day four us are hanging out, perhaps playing Nintendo, when we come up with a plan. A plan that we all think is a great idea. Probably the best idea we collectively ever had. Below is the basic outline.

The Greatest Idea The Gang Would Ever Have Outline
  1. Get some money
  2. Go to Thrift Drug
  3. Buy hair tonic (for more info on what hair tonic is, wikipedia it)
  4. apply to desired areas of the body
  5. wait for results
  6. hook up with girls
The plan is set. Now we need to execute. Money won't be the issue because, luckily, we all get allowances . For our twelve year old brains we see the biggest obstacle as getting our hands on the hair tonic. See we live in a small town. Everyone knows each other and, more importantly, most people know whose kids are whose. Going in to Thrift Drug to buy hair tonic could put us in a situation where an adult could spot us and tell our parents what we are up to. That we were purchasing hair tonic to use on ourselves to speed up puberty. Not once do we think 'Man they might think we are buying this stuff to somehow get high.'  Which of course is probably what was going through their minds. God I hope that is what was going through their minds.

And why do I think that was probably going through their minds? Because of our poor execution in getting the hair tonic. Instead of sending one of down to the store we all walk down together to each get our own bottle. We "thought" this much through - since we are all going down to the store and getting our bottles at the same time they might be suspicious and ask us what we are up to. So we tell ourselves - "Be calm if they question you. Just tell them we are getting it for our fathers." Because you know - dads always send their kids to the store with their friends to get hair tonic.

We get to the store, look for the hair tonic, find it, and cautiously approach the cashier. Whew! It's no one we know! We all get in line and each purchase one bottle of hair tonic. Four twelve year olds in a row. Each handing over a bottle of hair tonic with cash. None of us purchased anything else. I sometimes wonder what must have gone through the cashier's mind.. Again, they had to think we were getting it to get high, right?

Anyway, the excursion is a complete success!!! We are now the proud owners of four bottles of hair tonic.

today : hair tonic
tomorrow : dark hairs!
the day after that : girls!!!
We quickly get back to Brock's house and each take turns going in to the bathroom to place the tonic on all desirable areas.  And since we are twelve years old (aka - idiots) we barely wait an hour before each of us takes a turn going back in to the bathroom to see if anything has sprouted. Of course none of us so lucky.

Initially disappointed but far from defeated the fearsome foursome all agree this could take some time. The plan is to use it daily and to check at the end of every day to see if anything is happening. I'm sure I probably doused myself at least twice a day on the desired areas...focusing, of course, on the holy grail region.

The days come and the days go without much growth...then one day, about a week later. I have the discovery of a lifetime.

I drew this myself!

A dark hair!! I've done it! I'm a man...finally I'll be getting with girls!!!

And I did start getting with girls....three years, and many other dark hairs, later.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Evolution of a Nerd?

Like pretty much every human being out there, I've had several different phases to my life.
  • star athlete
  • guitar god
  • Player (of the Jay-Z variety)
  • exceptional student
  • Baller (again, of the Jay-Z variety)
And last, but not least, the only phase that is not completely in my head. 
  • The nerd phase.
What makes a nerd a nerd? There are many reasons: collecting comic books, being an avid video gamer, liking school, the glasses you wore and the unfortunate haircuts your parent's decided for you, also the clothes you wore...there are many more reasons I'm sure, but I'm tired of listing them, and I already hit on the topic that I would like to discuss when discussing someone's potential for nerdom - video gaming.

I will look back to my formative years (7th thru 12th grade), for each year I will take one video game that would influence how I would spend a good chunk of time during that year, and then I will see how I did with the girls. Because let's face it, the only thing that truly makes you a nerd is the lack of ladies. At least when you're young. If you're an older nerd, and rich (which happens to nerds ALL the time), you can get plenty of women. Look at Mark Zuckerberg. You know he wasn't getting any in HS, but now? My man can probably score any girl he wants.

nerd - hey, wanna hang out sometime?
girl (any type of girl) - e-gads no! Get away from me nerd!
nerd - I'm worth 5 billion dollars.
girl (any type of girl) - Wow, my undies are chaffing me,
mind if I slip them off?
Yes, I know I referred to Mark Kuckerberg previously then posted a picture of another nerd...but my man pretty much owns the Internet now. You don't think he has the capability of looking for anyone making fun of him on it, on his territory, and can have them killed? Even if it's some idiot blogger who gets like 500 hits a month?? I may not always wear a seat belt, but I know when it's smart to play it safe.

....so, moving on...

Today's post will hopefully answer the question - If you love video games, are you a nerd and destined to be pretty much lady free during the hormones raging out of  control years? Since I will be the only test subject for this study there is a solid chance that it is not a scientific study. Oh well...

This post will be focused on the male side of nerdom only.

So what will we learn from this exercise? Probably not much.

7th grade

Zelda is one of the first games I remember being obsessed with. One of the first times I distinctively remember staying up all night was when I slept of my friend's Jerry's house. We stayed up all night playing this game and I was not even close to being tired when morning came and the sun's rays crept back in to the room. I would not be surprised if we dominated 2-3 bowls of Fruity Pebbles to get our sugar levels to an appropriate video game playing level, and kept playing for a few more hours.

And of course you know eventually I killed that punk, Ganon.

Time to tally:
  1. number of girls kissed up to 6th grade - pretty sure it's zero. We will go with that
  2. number of girls kissed in 7th grade - zero.
  3. total number of girls kissed in my lifetime - zero.
8th grade

I stumbled across King's Quest III when I was writing a destinied to be classic story using our computer. The story started off that a friend and I were hanging with these two girls at my parent's house (wishful thinking) when something kidnapped them. Why something? Because it wasn't human that kidnapped them, but I forget exactly what it was. What I do know is that they were kidnapped, and transported to a strange world that was based on several comics from whatever was running in the papers then..think Garfield, Calvin & Hobbes, Bloom County, Peanuts, and Cathy...(haha, kidding about that last one!).

My friend and I were going to go from "land to land" (strip to strip) trying to hunt this guy down  and rescue our women with the help of some of the key characters  from the strip we were currently in (only we could go from strip to strip...because obviously it would be silly if the characters could too...and I guess the kidnapper and ladies could travel from strip to strip...but I'm sure you get the idea). You know what you don't think about when you're in 8th grade? Copyright infringement.

Anyway, one day when I was writing I came across a disk titled - Kings Quest III. I threw it in,started playing, and was instantly hooked. Why was my character this poor boy and why was he working for this mean old wizard? Oh look, he's leaving to do wizard work! I can explore this house all I want! Oh, these herbs look important, I better get them. Oh, I should probably take this bread off the table too. You never know when you may need it. And this knife. Seems important, better add that to my inventory!

(if you're in your 30s but can't relate to that last paragraph, then I have to say, I kind of feel sorry for you).

So after playing this game for a long time I finally realize I need to maneuver my little fella down this mountain to the town below. So I make my way down. Only we don't have a mouse for our computer so I need to use the arrow keys. And our computer only has the up, down, left, right arrow keys. It takes me several attempts to get to the bottom of the hill. I die several times, spazz out several more times, and may or may not have cried a bit during this whole ordeal.

Finally, however, my persistence pays off and SCORE! I AM DOWN!!

Then, on the screen the following appears:
Please insert disk 2

Disk 2? Oh, snap where is disk 2??? I need disc 2!!!

I tear through the computer desk, looking over every floppy disk over and over and over AND over again...disk 2 is not here....disk 2 would never be here. Danny would never get further than the bottom of the mountain. If I ever suffered from an undiagnosed stroke it was on that day.

Time to Tally
  1. number of girls I kissed in 8th grade - zero.
  2. total number of girls I kissed in my lifetime - zero
  3. number of strokes in 8th grade - possibly one.
9th grade

Bard's Tale III. Many hours of my freshman year were wasted, I mean spent, playing this game. Super lame graphics but addictive nonetheless. Other things that happened My freshman year of HS? I got my first school ID card...sweet!
In case of accident call a priest?? Gee, thanks, McDevitt!
As you can tell - I'm cute as hell....still:

Time to Tally:
  1. number of girls kissed in 9th grade - zero
  2. total number of girls I kissed in my lifetime - zero.
  3. number of girls  where I got more than a kiss (this is HS..we're on to man stuff) - zero
  4. number of months it took me to get caught drinking underage in 9th grade - 3

10th grade
Might and Magic II...details about this game are not important. Why? Because it's 10th grade yo. The extremely long drought is over. Kissing a girl happens!

Background story behind this paramount moment in my life:

I was at a party with bunch of seniors when it went down, with a senior mamacita nonetheless. Yes, it was a special moment but not as special as it could have been. Why? Because I was drinking that night and I was pretty tuned up. We were alone in a room, laying on the floor. She asked for some gum. I gave her some. Next up:

Yeah, I kind of blackout...but when I come back in I'm totally making out with someone...so I was pretty psyched. It would be the only time we would ever make out. I'm not sure of all the reasons we wouldn't again, but I know one of them - I asked her I could give her a hickey. She politely declined.

Time to Tally:
  1. number of girls I kissed in 10th grade - one
  2. total number of girls I kissed in my lifetime - one
  3. total number of girls where I got more than a kiss - one (but not without some effort...albeit a terrible one)
  4. number of months it took me to get caught drinking underage in 10th grade - 3
11th grade

Before there was the Sims there was Sim City. A game I remember fondly playing for hours and hours on end. Man it took forever to get loot to buy an international airport...but man was it worth it. That put your city on the map!

Another important thing to happen is that during the summer between 10th and 11th grade I landed my first girlfriend. So....
Time to Tally:
  1. number of girls kissed in 11th grade - one
  2. total number of girls kissed in my entire life - two
  3. total number of girls where I got more than a kiss - one
  4. numbers of months it took me to get caught underage drinking in 11th grade - 3
12th grade

As you can tell, there is no video game that took over a good portion of my life senior year. This is because me and the girlfriend were in full swing at this time. And as many people know, when you get bit hard by the love bug  (I really want to punch myself using that phrase...hopefully some I know will), especially for the first time, you tend to lose interest in other things.

Other things that took a back seat:
  • my friends (who hasn't been on both sides of this one)
  • my guitar lessons (which didn't really matter as I sucked at guitar. Most of my lessons ended up with me practicing my fingering because I couldn't play anything. My teacher was a woman...unfortunately practicing my fingering at guitar lessons was not nearly as sexy as it sounds.
  • Busch beers and Marlboro Lights
  • even my prized possession - my Haro FST freestyle bike (although, to be fair, I did get my license by senior year so I was driving...still that Haro deserved better)
Did I regret any on these actions even though we broke up before I graduated? Of course not...I do what I do.

Time to Tally:
  1. number of girls kissed in 12th grade - zero new ones*
  2. total number of girls kissed in my lifetime - two*
  3. total number of girls where I got more than a kiss - one*
  4. number of months before I got caught for underage drinking in 12th grade : 8 (shortly after breaking up)
* Since senior week is technically post-HS I can't count the numbers...but they would all be higher if I did!...not by much...by very little actually...but still, higher nonetheless. (shame spiral...not because of the actual past but because I felt it important to mention this)

Final Analysis:

So does playing video games make you a nerd and thus make getting girls nearly impossible? OF COURSE NOT! Duh!....God it's good that I am the one who lives in my brain.

NEXT POST PREVIEW - How far would 4 boys around the age of 12 go to try and speed up one part of puberty?? Tune in next time for that "exciting" story!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Let Them Kiss! Let Them Kiss!

I feel it’s important, at times, to reflect on your past loves. Regardless of how you feel about any of them currently, at one point they were one of the most important people in your life (if not the most important person in your life). They helped shape you in to the person you are today and hopefully your time with that person has helped you become a better person.

This post is dedicated to some of the more important past loves of my life. I’ve even decided to rate them using a sophisticated and eloquent system that I hope you all can understand. The important thing to know is that it's based on a scale of 1 to 5, with one being the lowest and 5 being the highest.

The first would arrive in my life every year in December. It was always way too brief and went the same way every time, but it was still amazing.

And what was so special about Frosty the Snowman? Five letters...
Ahh yes, Karen from Frosty the Snowman. One my first crushes. What was it about her? Her big brown eyes? The pony tail? The righteous ear muffs? All of the above? Who knows and really who cares. All that I know is I cared deeply for her.

When she decided to go with Frosty to the North Pole in order to save him, I knew she was the kind of girl for me. She was adventurous, loyal, and caring.

If only I was there, Karen. I would keep you warm with my
He-Man blanket!

And she is devastated when Frosty dies.
There, there Karen. I'll comfort you. Do you want to play Matchbox Cars
or Intellivision Skiing...errr, I mean Burger Time?
Believe me, when I go I better have a woman weeping like this for me too. In fact I may need a little more...Ideally she will be throwing herself on my coffin on the casket while screaming "Please no Lord. Don't take him away from me! He's too handsome to die!" I'm not sure if I would like for this to happen at the church or the grave site but I feel I have some time to work that detail out. (thank you new diet that now includes some vegetables as opposed to the old one that included none.)

Anyway, Karen was one of my first TV crushes. 

Boner meter:

Well since I can't give anyone a zero, I'll go with 1. I was pretty young when I fell in love with her and at that point of my life any erections (haha, that word kills me) were not caused by sexual arousal and would typically happen at very inopportune times. The worst being while in class. Oh dear god, please do not call on me right now! Something is happening and I can't explain it. I just know it's something that will cause all the other kids to point and laugh at me.

My second significant crush started from a song I heard on the radio and was confirmed when I finally saw the video on Friday Night Videos. The song being "I Love Rock N Roll" and the woman being Joan Jett.
"Hi Danny. Would you like to sit next to me on the bed?"
(voice cracking) "...uhh, yes Joan Jett..."
 I was pretty obsessed with that song from the moment I first heard it. I would sit back in our home's back room going up and down the FM dial until I found a station playing the song. And when I saw the video, woah boy did I ever want to be that 17 yr old boy standing there by the record machine that she took home. A part of me still wants to be that boy she takes home. Would 8 yr old Danny known what to do if he was that boy? Of course not. Would 37 yr old Danny know what to do if he was that boy? Again, of course not.

Boner meter:

If I'm giving Karen one, I got to give Joan Jett at least 2. I mean she is actually a human as opposed to cartoon character.

When it came to the ladies of Three's Company, I thought the hottest blonde was Terri (the sexy nurse from the last season) but I pretty much always preferred Janet. What can I say, she was like wholesome version of Joan Jett.
Back in the late 70s early 80s,this is about as saucy as it got on TV.
Well TV in homes without cable....sigh...
But it had to be Janet with the hair style above. I found the curly hair Janet to be rather unappealing.
Oh...you got your perm look today... Ummm, is Terri around??
Please note that this is not how I feel about women with curly hair today. But when your a ten your old boy and an older relative says to you, when you're complaining about having curly hair, " Oh stop. Do you know how many girls would kill to have that hair?!" You're probably NOT going to like curly hair very much.

I'm a boy!!
Boner meter:

3 for straight haired Janet (I saw her more often than Joan Jett, hence the 3)

1 for curly haired Janet.

 A few other ladies that get three on the boner scale:

Jo from Facts of Life. Sorry Blaire, you seemed too proper for this kid.

Hello, my southern belle. I once had a saucy dream about her in my grandparent's pool with yours truly. I was probably in 8th grade.
The first cougar I fell in love with
One of the hottest TV mom's of all time, Elyse Keaton. She is also the the third gay woman to end up on this list and I'm not going to lie, I thought Jo from The Facts of Life would have made it four. Is that statement somewhat stereotypical? Perhaps, but that's what I thought.
It would have been awesome if one of my friend's
mom looked like her.

Now on to the two most important ones.

First up - Diane Lane and her portrayal of Cherry Valance. She was just plain sexy. She is just plain sexy.

Boner meter:

An easy five for Diane Lane in Outsiders.  

We should dig a little deeper when it comes to Diane Lane. Sure this post is based on my feelings for these women when I was wee lad, but Diane Lane is special and we should see how she has stands the test of time.

Here is how she was looking in the mid to late 90s.
Diane Lane in the 90s? Still yummy
90s Diane Lane boner meter:

another easy five.

and this photo was taken 2-3 years ago.
Wishful Thoughts:"You're the one writing the We're All Getting Drunk And....blog??
We should totally make out!"

2000s Diane Lane boner scale:

Yet another easy five spot. Let's just say she'll be a 5'er for life. I did give Rue McClanahan three score after all.

Diane Lane gets it. She knows there are fewer things more important than being an extremely hot girl. Do you really think that Casey Anthony would have so many fans on Facebook if she looked like Rosanne Barr? Of course not.

And finally, 80s Madonna.

Boner scale:

It was pretty much off the charts for Madonna when I was younger. She was it. She was the first one that really made me want to start exploring my body in a very private manner.  In 1984 any money I got my hands on was spent on one of two things – candy and any magazine with Madonna on the cover. If you were not old enough to fully understand the Madonna craze of the early to mid 80s and how big of an impact she had, just think Lady Gaga...if Lady Gaga had the looks to send millions of young boys in to a horny frenzy state.

if you thought the boner pictures are funny then I suggest you go to the link I borrowed them from. It's definitely worth checking out.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Secrets are my Kryptonite...Well Secrets and Girls.

It's hard for me to keep a secret. OK, that's an inaccurate statement. Allow me to rephrase if you please - I CANNOT keep a secret. Like my disdain for vegetables and my love of all things awesome (examples of awesome things include - Archer, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, All Pixies songs, and air conditioning), my inability to not keep a secret is probably never going to change. If you truly want me to be the only person to know something then wait until my death bed to tell me...otherwise at least one person will eventually hear it too...and hear it a lot sooner than you could ever realize (I don't know my record for keeping a secret, but it's terribly short)...and there is a 98.65% chance that I'll be telling more than one person.

What can I say, I love the attention it brings.

Also, I love to daydream. Been doing it pretty much since I got here. I even got a U in conduct on my first ever report card of grade school. U = unsatisfactory.

While the teacher begged for me to pay attention, images of Mighty Mouse and
Capt'n Crunch danced through my head.

Notice the U in handwriting as well...a common theme during my grade school career.

But back to my daydreaming habit. Prime time drifting off to another world hours are usually from 11 pm to 3 am and  while at work, whenever I'm not busy. And lately, we haven't been busy.  Now, was it during one of these the down moments at work that I began to day dream about what it would have been like part of the Navy Seals that got Osama? I can't be too sure. What I am sure of is that I have a picture of me where it kind of sort of looks like my mind is drifting off while at work so that's what we shall go with.

'Why don't anyone come over and talk to me? I'm so lonely...uh oh, my mind
is going to that dark place again. Time to day dream...I wonder what it would
have been like if I was one of the Navy Seals that got Osama?'

Monday, April 25th 2011

Scene - DK is at the crib, keeping it real (translation - drinking beers and playing video games), when a really important person calls.

Dan : DK here. Holla!
Obama: Dan, please stop saying holla all the time. You're doing nothing embarrassing yourself.
Dan: Oh hey, Big BO! What up?
Obama (heavy sigh) :...Yeah, well anyway. I think covert operation 'Liberation Iron Eagle Apple Pie Baseball Jesus Christ Rules, Others Drool' is on. We need to know if you're in.
Dan: Oh jeez. I would LOVE to be a part of this. But I don't know if I can. See I got like 7 girlfriends and they are all always in need some serious sexing! I don't know if I can pull myself away right now.
Obama : Dan.
Dan: ......(sigh).....I'm the only one around to feed my cat....
Obama: Anything else?
Dan: Well one other thing.
Obama: What is it?
Dan: I really do NOT feel like dying! I mean if I'm going to die young I want it to be in an awesome way.
Obama: Seriously? Dying taking down Public Enemy #1 wouldn't be awesome?? What would be a more awesome way???
Dan (without hesitation): Jumping my BMX through a ring of dynamite and something going horribly wrong - after I stuck the landing of course, having some space junk fall from the sky and splatter me....dying of a heart attack sexing those 7 made up girlfriends...
Obama: OK. OK. I get it. We're looking for 3 people and we'll just ask someone else....Sorry you won't be able to one of the 3 to split the 25 million reward.
(super cheesy line alert!!!)
Dan: yeah, it's a shame alright. Well BO-izzel I guess I'll talk to you....(the realization of a huge monetary windfall kicks in)...WAIT! DID YOU SAY TWENTY FIVE MILLION DOLLARS???
Obama: I did. Sounds like I got your attention...and can you please, please, please call me President Obama??
Dan: never!
Obama (heaviest sigh of the phone call): Ugh. Fine. One last thing, and while this should be blatantly obvious, I am going to tell you. This is between me, you, the other 2 seals, and a VERY EXCLUSIVE few others. Tell NO ONE AT ALL ABOUT THIS AT ALL! I swear to $@#$#$@% to god. Keep your mouth shut about this.
Dan (not really paying attention): Uh huh. Hey Obama. You ever see the movie Friday?
Obama (clearly annoyed): Yeah. Why? And what kind of question is that when we're talking about something this paramount??
Dan (doing a poor Chris Tucker impression): Well around here, between Philadelphia and DC, we call this here a little twenty twen twen FIVE million,...
Obama: Finish that quote and I'll have the Secret Service shoot you on site.
Dan: Yes, President Obama.
Obama: OK. Further details to follow...but remember - TELL NO ONE!
Dan: You can count on me!

(seconds later)

Dan: Butters! Butters! Come quick! Where are you?? I got some news!!!

Butters: (ugh. what does that big headed idiot want now??)

Dan: Butters! I'm going to get Osama! Next week! Next week I'll be splitting 25 million with 2 other jerks! You know how many cat treats one can get with that kind of dough? How many cat toys??...How many empty beer cases for you play in??

Fancy Feast for life!!! Fancy Feast for life!!
Dan: Hell yeah, Butters! It's time to celebrate! We're going to be hella rich!!
Later that Night

Dan: TWENTY FIVE MILLION DOLLARS!!! Next week Osama will be gone and I'll be rich as hell. We'll be partying until the wee hours of the morning fools! This night is on ME!
Dan: Tonight we all flight high, like a G-6 for next week we'll be taking flights on them for real for reals! After I help rid the world of Osama! Hear that world! I'm going to be hero!
Dan(singing): Whoomp! There it is! Whoomp There it is! There's that 8.33 million coming my way for getting Osama! I got the call. Navy Seals -what what!

Tuesday Night, April 26th

Dan (singing, poorly): Because we party like it's 1999! Except is 2011...and on May 2nd, I'm going to help get that Osama fool with 2 of my Navy Seal friends. If you feel me, do the robot too!
Dan: yeah, there's no chicks with us now, but wait until I get that fool Osama, son! We'll have chicks galore then! I know you feel me! Mark it down on your calenders - May 2nd, 2011. The day Danny helped save the world!

Wednesday Night, April 27th

Dan(singing): 8.33 million = craft beers to life...equals sweet meals for life...equals sweet deals for life!
Jim: Hell yeah...even if the last thing you said didn't make much sense
Dan (still singing): Who cares Jimmy. I'm gonna be worth 8.33 million soon. what, what, what, what!

Dan(singing): We be dancing all day...we be dancing all night....don't worry Jimmy. The girls will be hanging with us soon!

Thursday Night, April 28th
Dan: See I told you! Once these girls found out about my forthcoming millions for being the team that is taking down Osama Bin Laden next Monday, May 2nd, they were all about us! True playas for life now my friend!

Friday Night, April 29th

Dan: Wait did you all here? I'm going to be an American Hero! Like Hulk Hogan times a million. May 2nd, hurry up and get here!

Saturday night, April 30th

Dan: Come on baby. I'm going away tomorrow to Pakistan. Imma be getting that fool Osama tomorrow with some of my Navy Seal friends! This could be my last night on American soil if something should go wrong. I'm just saying
Girl: Really? America knows where to find him?
Dan: Oh yeah, baby. We know where Osama has BEEN Hiden! Come on now with amazing humor like that you at least consider helping me out....
Girl: Well the problem is that you're hammered drunk, and you've been drooling a lot...even babies don't drool this much. It's kind of nauseating...I'm going to leave. Good luck with your quest.
Dan (under his breath): It's called an operation...a covert operation.
(30 seconds later)
Dan: Well no matter. Being an elite soldier in the US armed services is not without it's connections. I think I got someone here I can call.

(phone rings)

Sarah: Hello?? Hello?? Who is this?? Answer me!!!
Dan (to himself): nope, not worth it.

Sunday Morning, May 1st

Person #1 in room:  What the hell? How...how did this get leaked out?
Person #2 in room: I have no clue. President??
Obama: I am pretty sure I know who leaked it....Mother fu...

Osama Bin Laden: You foolish Americans. I know all about your plan and your "stupid club for jerks", the Navy Seals to come and try and kill me! You will never find me! If I had an awesome evil laugh I would use it now...damn, I wish I had me an evil awesome laugh...that would make me a super legit super villain fo'sho!

Monday, May 2nd

Obama: You screwed me over for the last time Dan! I want DK buried alive and I want it done by tomorrow! May 3rd will forever be known as the day we got rid of America's 2nd greatest enemy!!

Moral of the story - it's a good thing I don't have the physical abilities, the drive, and the fortitude to ever be a Navy Seal....plus I really do not like the idea of being shot.