I decided to contact Dish Network to see if conversing with their online customer service could be fun as conversing with Comcast's. Turns out it is. Also, as someone who overly thinks the dumbest of things, I decided to use an alias - Dennis Ryan. Why? Because I thought if I used my real name I could get in some sort of trouble...yep...
You are currently at position number 1 in the queue.
All agents are currently busy. Please stand by.
Thank you for being a valued Dish Network customer. I will be happy to assist you today.
(03mk)* Claire A.9PN: Thank you for logging in. How can I assist you today?
Dennis Ryan: Hello! I currently have Comcast cable, but wanted to see what dish had to offer
(03mk)* Claire A.9PN: Great to know! I'll be glad to assist you regarding our services.
(03mk)* Claire A.9PN: Is this the 1st time that you will have Dishnetwork service?
Dennis Ryan: You know it! Do you have it at home? do you like it?
(03mk)* Claire A.9PN: Are you asking if I have Dishnetwork service at home?
Dennis Ryan: yeah.
(03mk)* Claire A.9PN: We don't because Dishnetwork serve in U.S, Virgin Island,Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico.
Dennis Ryan: ahhh. Well that's too bad. I heard it is the CRAZY good! With tons of channels...which is good for me because I don't have many friends....my best friends growing up were the Cosby kids and Alex P Keaton. :(
(03mk)* Claire A.9PN: I understand. Once you have Dishnetwork, you will have a new bestfriend.
Dennis Ryan: sweet! Well Dishnetwork with be my 2nd tier best friend...my TV and XBOX360 are my current BFFs. They are tied. Do you have a best friend?
(03mk)* Claire A.9PN: Yes. I do. As a matter of fact I have a lot.
Dennis Ryan: You're lucky...even my cat hates me. And I feed her almost EVERY day too...she just hisses at me and scratches my face when I try to sleep.
(03mk)* Claire A.9PN: Even our cats too.
Dennis Ryan: lousy gatos, right?? Anywho, let's talk about the Dishnizzetwork dizzeals!
Dennis Ryan: aka - dishnetwork deals.
(03mk)* Claire A.9PN: Sure. I checked my resources and to get the best deal that you can take advantage of. I will refer you to our Sales Team regarding the promotions that we have for you.
Dennis Ryan: awwww...want you to help me! you're the best!
(03mk)* Claire A.9PN: It's my pleasure. I just need you to hold on to connect to our Sales Team.
Dennis Ryan: wanna be facebook friends?
(03mk)* Claire A.9PN: Unfortunately, we are not allowed to do that.
Dennis Ryan: :(
(03mk)* Claire A.9PN: Yes. But no worries although we are not friends in facebook. You can chat with us if you have concerns.
(03mk)* Claire A.9PN: Please hold while I transfer you.
Dennis Ryan: That will have to do...if someone at work tomorrow says "what did you do last night, Dennis?" can I say - I made a new friend - her name is Claire?
(03mk)* Claire A.9PN: Of course.
Dennis Ryan: Can I say - I met a potential new girlfriend named Claire??
(03mk)* Claire A.9PN: No. I'm happily married.
Dennis Ryan: all the good ones...well remember me if you're ever single again!
(03mk)* Claire A.9PN: That's so sweet of you. Would you like me to connect the session now to our Sales Team?
Dennis Ryan: yeah....and if you can help it, make it a hot chica!
(03mk)* Claire A.9PN: Sure. Please hold on.
(03mk)* Claire A.9PN has left the session.
Please wait while we find an agent from the (01) Dish Network Sales department to assist you.
Welcome to Dish Network. To better assist you with your buying experience and ensure that we can contact you in case this session gets disconnected, please provide your phone number using this format 999–999–9999
(01)Joanna Andrea R.JF9: Hi!
Dennis Ryan: well hello! how are you?
Dennis Ryan: hey - a dishnetwork commercial is on TV right now!
Dennis Ryan: but how can that be on my cable??
(01) Joanna Andrea R.JF9: :)
(01) Joanna Andrea R.JF9: Just to verify are you an existing customer?
Dennis Ryan: nah...I got me Comcast cable...looking to see what the d-network offers.
Dennis Ryan: Hey - does "the network" have an all Bruce Lee channel??
(01)Joanna Andrea R.JF9: What channel is that on?
Dennis Ryan: not sure...I was hoping dishnetwork had an entire channel dedicated to Bruce Lee movies
(01)Joanna Andrea R.JF9: Our current plan offers free professional standard installation and equipment for up to 6 rooms (depending on the kind of receivers).
Dennis Ryan: you ever see his movies?
Dennis Ryan: POW! BLAMO!
Dennis Ryan: ...wait, that's old school Batman...do you have a channel for that show???
(01) Joanna Andrea R.JF9: Since you are quite a TV fan, let me just start you up with our AT 120!
Dennis Ryan: TV rules!!
(01) Joanna Andrea R.JF9: This has channels like CNN, Disney, Lifetime, HGTV, MTV and a lot more!
Dennis Ryan: what is AT 120?
Dennis Ryan: playboy channel?
(01) Joanna Andrea R.JF9: America's Top 120.
The agent is sending you to https://customersupport.dishnetwork.com/DishCart/land.do.
Dennis Ryan: girls don't very much like touching me...so I need to find other ways to "take care of needs"...you know? The playboy channel would help!
Dennis Ryan: i guess not then?
(01) Joanna Andrea R.JF9: You can add that to the basic package.
Dennis Ryan: nice!!! for free?
(01) Joanna Andrea R.JF9: Playboy is now called Hustler. It is $29.99/ a month
Dennis Ryan: damn!! i was looking to spend 13 bucks a month for TV....what package do you have for that budget?
(01) Joanna Andrea R.JF9: We do not have anything for that.
Dennis Ryan: really?? maybe I could buy like 3 channels for 13 dollars? like give me MTV, for Jersey Shore, Lifetime, for the chicks I'll be taking home....and the Hustler network. Those three and I'll pay 13 dollars a month
Dennis Ryan: thoughts?
(01) Joanna Andrea R.JF9: You can view what we offer on the link below:
The agent is sending you to https://customersupport.dishnetwork.com/DishCart/land.do.
Dennis Ryan: awww...I see one for 25...damn, that's the lowest I take it?
Dennis Ryan: oh well....I guess I'll stay with comcast (I steal it from my neighbor...LOL!)
(01) Joanna Andrea R.JF9: Alright!
(01) Joanna Andrea R.JF9: I am still confident that we have the lowest rate in the TV service!
Dennis Ryan: maybe I can get my neighbor to get it...so I get it too! haha...wink
(01) Joanna Andrea R.JF9: It may be $13 for now, who knows after their promotional rate, it will be 2005 more!
Dennis Ryan: I don't understand...but I'm not the smartest. So peace Joanna. I love you
(01) Joanna Andrea R.JF9: Is there anything else I can help you with today?
Dennis Ryan: could you see if Claire will be my facebook friend?
(01) Joanna Andrea R.JF9: I don't have access to their department.
Dennis Ryan: ohhh...ok. well I guess we are done for now. :(
Monday, February 28, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Comcast 1, Danny 1 (will start thinking of fancy titles for posts later)
My second go around with Comcast went much better. I'd write more but this post but it's pretty much identical to the previous one. Also, no one but a comcast rep named Mark Casem has seen this blog yet. I didn't even think he existed so I did a search and it looks like he does and that he really works for Comcast. At least according to a website called http://www.spoke.com/ . Yep, I googled him because I was super excited when I checked my first posting and saw someone commented on it.
Another thing that I get way too excited about - when a cute girl shows me any sort of attention. I'll almost immediately develop a crush on her...sometimes all that attention has to be is a quick glance and a smile...and it doesn't even have to be a real smile...it can be one that I imagined may have happened and I'll convince myself that it did happen and that's all I'll need. But in my defense, I have an astigmatism and I don't always wear my glasses, so sometimes things I'm looking at are blury. Like cute girls that may or may not be smiling at me. I'm 37...
Anyways, below is the transcript from my 2nd online conversation with Comcast. I think it's funnier than the 1st one.
user daniel_ has entered room
i saw an HBO deal for exisiting customers...what up!
analyst Geover has entered room
Hello daniel_, Thank you for contacting Comcast Live Chat Support. My name is Geover. Please give me one moment to review your information.
But before that, I am so thankful for taking time to contact us today. I can assure you that I am committed to provide you quality customer service at the best of my ability.
By the way, how are you today?
I'm grand! how is yours? how did you make that fancy happy face??
It's nice to know that you are fine, Daniel..
I am doing great here at Comcast. Thank you for asking.
Just type : and then ).

are you from America?
so anywho...i saw on the ole tele that HBO is being offered to existing customers for 10 bucks a month for 6 months...
I am working overseas, Daniel.
i could tell...i like the way you write
I understand that you want to inquiry on $10.00 HBO and we are happy to hear that you are inquiring about this. I want you to know that Comcast is grateful and excited for the opportunity that you have provided and we will certainly resolve your issue today, Daniel.
Please allow me to double check what can I do the best for you. However, I need to pull up your first.
Just to make sure that I am accessing the correct account, may I please have the following informations:
1. account number
2. account holder's name
3. last 4 digits of the account holder's socials please?.
your country still alive in the world cup?
DK...last four - XXXX
Yes, we are. But our team did not pass the qualifying round.
May I please ask the phone number associated to the account?
Thank you so much for the informations.
I will be back as soon as I have checked and verified the information, Please just stay online and allow me 2-3 minutes on this.
well stupid US lost to Ghana...again! boo!
I saw that game too.
I didn't. I was busying playing catch with my cat...oh well...there is always 2014
Oh I see.
One moment please.
yeah...she likes to play! you have cats where you're from?? they are like small tiger only less stripey
well some may have stripes
But not Butters....she is grey and likes to drink water from the faucet....
We have cats too, Daniel. But it is not the same as cat in your country. Our cat is ugly.
Daniel, while waiting for your account to pull up, I will share you a feature of Comcast that you can truly benefit. Are you aware that Comcast is introducing XFINITY?
XFINITY is the new brand of Comcast 's technology platform, products, and services: XFINITY TV, XFINITY Voice, XFINITY Internet and XFINITY Triple Play or XFINITY bundled services. XFINITY marks the beginning of a whole new era of innovation and change for Comcast. We're transforming the customer experience and giving you more choices, more convenience and more control over your entertainment, information and communication needs. To know more about XFINITY, go to XFINITY.com/home.
I have your account pulled up already. Please allow me check and review your account on this.
I am now checking our database, Daniel.
Please hold on.
seriously...what's the difference between xfinity and comcast? it would be like if I started calling Butters - Gato. I mean she's still the same easily startled, faucet drinking, bug eatting cat, right?
you feel me, right?
Yes, Daniel.

For xfinity and comcast, XFINITY is the new brand of Comcast 's technology platform, products, and services.
You can check more on www.xfinity.com/home
all my stuff says comcast...like the cable box and stuff...should i get a crayon and write the new name over it?
I appreciate your patience while on hold, I am still working/checking on your account Daniel. Please give me another minute for this, would that be okay?
sure! take your time....I am just trying to think how i can get this girl to go out with me...she's very pretty. she looks like this -
I have found the $10.00 for HBO.
I would like to inform you that there is one time payment of $1.99 to change your service.
Would you like me to proceed and process this for you?
how about before doing can you see if there is a sexier, aka - better overall package out there for me?
You will see it 1-2 minutes after I have added in my end.
to see the addition?
One moment please.
i wonder if we can make frowny faces

you can!
look at that dude...he is BO salty! hahaha
I have found a promotion for you. I can lower your bill to $143.79/mo instead of $160.75/mo. This also comes with HBO and valid for 6 months.
Would you like me to proceed and process this for you?
yeah! that would be awesome! and all of my other stuff stays the same?
Yes, Daniel.
word! me + you =

Please allow me 2 minutes to process this for you.
you got it. I'll go use the toilet and knock out a few squat thrusts....
I would really appreciate if you have time to take the survey for me as my score today depends on that, Daniel, please? YOu can take the survey later when you click on the END button.
Daniel,we have added HBO and promotional rate l that you needed and this is your confirmation number 20100701. Just be reminded of the partial charges next bill since we are adding this in mid-cycle and that there is also a one time fee of “$1.99”.
Before anything else, let’s do a quick rundown of what we have done today. I checked and verified your account and also processed your request.
It has been my pleasure serving you today Daniel and I truly appreciate your understanding and cooperation. Do you have other concerns for me today? I will be glad to assist you further.
i will definitely take the survey for you
Oh, thank you so much for taking the survey for me. It is very much appreciated.
I really appreciate it, my new BFF. if there is a girl you like at work, tell her you helped DK (I'm kind of a big deal in certain parts of America) save some money...she'll probably at least go out with you
keep it real Grover....Danny out!
I am glad you were satisfied with the service that I have provided, (cx ). You can actually send an email to care_thankyou@comcast.com so that your appreciation for the service I provided will be recognized. Please do mention my name,(ID# 29983) in your email. Thanks again for your order and we are looking forward to serving you again.
consider the email sent....as soon as i sober up!
Another thing that I get way too excited about - when a cute girl shows me any sort of attention. I'll almost immediately develop a crush on her...sometimes all that attention has to be is a quick glance and a smile...and it doesn't even have to be a real smile...it can be one that I imagined may have happened and I'll convince myself that it did happen and that's all I'll need. But in my defense, I have an astigmatism and I don't always wear my glasses, so sometimes things I'm looking at are blury. Like cute girls that may or may not be smiling at me. I'm 37...
Anyways, below is the transcript from my 2nd online conversation with Comcast. I think it's funnier than the 1st one.
user daniel_ has entered room
i saw an HBO deal for exisiting customers...what up!
analyst Geover has entered room
Hello daniel_, Thank you for contacting Comcast Live Chat Support. My name is Geover. Please give me one moment to review your information.
But before that, I am so thankful for taking time to contact us today. I can assure you that I am committed to provide you quality customer service at the best of my ability.
By the way, how are you today?

I'm grand! how is yours? how did you make that fancy happy face??
It's nice to know that you are fine, Daniel..
I am doing great here at Comcast. Thank you for asking.
Just type : and then ).

are you from America?
so anywho...i saw on the ole tele that HBO is being offered to existing customers for 10 bucks a month for 6 months...
I am working overseas, Daniel.
i could tell...i like the way you write
I understand that you want to inquiry on $10.00 HBO and we are happy to hear that you are inquiring about this. I want you to know that Comcast is grateful and excited for the opportunity that you have provided and we will certainly resolve your issue today, Daniel.
Please allow me to double check what can I do the best for you. However, I need to pull up your first.
Just to make sure that I am accessing the correct account, may I please have the following informations:
1. account number
2. account holder's name
3. last 4 digits of the account holder's socials please?.
your country still alive in the world cup?
DK...last four - XXXX
Yes, we are. But our team did not pass the qualifying round.
May I please ask the phone number associated to the account?
Thank you so much for the informations.
I will be back as soon as I have checked and verified the information, Please just stay online and allow me 2-3 minutes on this.
well stupid US lost to Ghana...again! boo!
I saw that game too.
I didn't. I was busying playing catch with my cat...oh well...there is always 2014
Oh I see.
One moment please.
yeah...she likes to play! you have cats where you're from?? they are like small tiger only less stripey
well some may have stripes
But not Butters....she is grey and likes to drink water from the faucet....
We have cats too, Daniel. But it is not the same as cat in your country. Our cat is ugly.

Daniel, while waiting for your account to pull up, I will share you a feature of Comcast that you can truly benefit. Are you aware that Comcast is introducing XFINITY?
XFINITY is the new brand of Comcast 's technology platform, products, and services: XFINITY TV, XFINITY Voice, XFINITY Internet and XFINITY Triple Play or XFINITY bundled services. XFINITY marks the beginning of a whole new era of innovation and change for Comcast. We're transforming the customer experience and giving you more choices, more convenience and more control over your entertainment, information and communication needs. To know more about XFINITY, go to XFINITY.com/home.
I have your account pulled up already. Please allow me check and review your account on this.
I am now checking our database, Daniel.
Please hold on.
seriously...what's the difference between xfinity and comcast? it would be like if I started calling Butters - Gato. I mean she's still the same easily startled, faucet drinking, bug eatting cat, right?
you feel me, right?
Yes, Daniel.


For xfinity and comcast, XFINITY is the new brand of Comcast 's technology platform, products, and services.
You can check more on www.xfinity.com/home
all my stuff says comcast...like the cable box and stuff...should i get a crayon and write the new name over it?
I appreciate your patience while on hold, I am still working/checking on your account Daniel. Please give me another minute for this, would that be okay?
sure! take your time....I am just trying to think how i can get this girl to go out with me...she's very pretty. she looks like this -

I have found the $10.00 for HBO.
I would like to inform you that there is one time payment of $1.99 to change your service.
Would you like me to proceed and process this for you?
how about before doing can you see if there is a sexier, aka - better overall package out there for me?
You will see it 1-2 minutes after I have added in my end.
to see the addition?
One moment please.
i wonder if we can make frowny faces

you can!
look at that dude...he is BO salty! hahaha
I have found a promotion for you. I can lower your bill to $143.79/mo instead of $160.75/mo. This also comes with HBO and valid for 6 months.
Would you like me to proceed and process this for you?
yeah! that would be awesome! and all of my other stuff stays the same?
Yes, Daniel.
word! me + you =

Please allow me 2 minutes to process this for you.
you got it. I'll go use the toilet and knock out a few squat thrusts....
I would really appreciate if you have time to take the survey for me as my score today depends on that, Daniel, please? YOu can take the survey later when you click on the END button.
Daniel,we have added HBO and promotional rate l that you needed and this is your confirmation number 20100701. Just be reminded of the partial charges next bill since we are adding this in mid-cycle and that there is also a one time fee of “$1.99”.
Before anything else, let’s do a quick rundown of what we have done today. I checked and verified your account and also processed your request.
It has been my pleasure serving you today Daniel and I truly appreciate your understanding and cooperation. Do you have other concerns for me today? I will be glad to assist you further.
i will definitely take the survey for you
Oh, thank you so much for taking the survey for me. It is very much appreciated.
I really appreciate it, my new BFF. if there is a girl you like at work, tell her you helped DK (I'm kind of a big deal in certain parts of America) save some money...she'll probably at least go out with you
keep it real Grover....Danny out!
I am glad you were satisfied with the service that I have provided, (cx ). You can actually send an email to care_thankyou@comcast.com so that your appreciation for the service I provided will be recognized. Please do mention my name,
consider the email sent....as soon as i sober up!
Comcast 1, Danny 0
So what's the first thing you think to yourself when someone says "I'm thinking about starting a blog."? Is it - "Ugh, blogs are the worst! No one is going to care about it and now I hate you a little bit. I can't believe you just wasted 4 seconds of my life right now." That's what pretty much goes through my mind, but I'm going to start one anyway because I like being the worst....and as my kindergarten report cards shows, I already kind of am.
Some things you should know - I'm not a grammer nerd and I will leave out words. I'll try to make sure all my sentences have all the words they should, but chances are I'll miss some. And don't be shocked if my punctuation isn't perfect....
I also love to use ellipses because sometimes I need to just move on from one thought to the next one. If I don't I could possibly suffer a brain aneuysm.
Finally I know what my first 3 posts will be and it'll seem like this blog has some sort of theme, but that's not that case. I know that I'll never be able to keep to a theme. If it turns out that I actually maintain this blog the end will result will probably resemble what a massive stroke would like if a stroke could be illustrated by a blog...and on that terrible "joke's" note I'll move on.
Anyway, I found out that dealing with my cable company was both easier and more fun when I did it online instead of calling them. Being on hold is a lot easier when it's a webpage. Also, you can save the transcript and a year later start a lame blog and make it your first entry. So I contacted them to see if I could extend my promotional rate...and just like that one time a girl rejected me, it didn't go as well as I hoped.
Problem: my promotion ends 3/2...I want to see what I can do to extend it
End Session
user Dan_ has entered room
Dan(Fri Feb 26 15:02:03 CST 2010)>
my promotion ends 3/2...I want to see what I can do to extend it
analyst Arturo has entered room
Arturo(Fri Feb 26 15:02:05 CST 2010)>
Hello Dan_, Thank you for contacting Comcast Live Chat Support. My name is Arturo. Please give me one moment to review your information.
Arturo(Fri Feb 26 15:02:16 CST 2010)>
I am sorry for the inconvience,I will be more than happy to process your request.
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:03:09 CST 2010)>
thank you. let me know if you need more info...basically I feel that what I pay now is sufficient for the services I get....i don't want a bill that's 200 plus...
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:04:46 CST 2010)>
the song "so tired, tired of waiting, tired of waiting for you" is playing through my head right now! haha
Arturo(Fri Feb 26 15:03:07 CST 2010)>
Thank You for your patience, please continue to hold while I pull up the information.
Arturo(Fri Feb 26 15:05:05 CST 2010)>
Let me pull up your information, do you have your account number with you?
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:05:14 CST 2010)>
sorry, I don't.
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:05:22 CST 2010)>
would my address work?
Arturo(Fri Feb 26 15:05:44 CST 2010)>
Thank you, can I please have your name and address for security purposes.
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:06:06 CST 2010)>
732 Jared Road, Oreland, PA 19075
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:06:14 CST 2010)>
Springfield Represent!!!
Arturo(Fri Feb 26 15:06:15 CST 2010)>
Thank you.
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:07:19 CST 2010)>
you're welcome my man
Arturo(Fri Feb 26 15:08:23 CST 2010)>
Looking at the package, I apologize for the wait, thank you for your patience.
Arturo(Fri Feb 26 15:09:44 CST 2010)>
There may be an upgrade package avialable, however I will have to get you to our sales team, is that ok.
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:10:02 CST 2010)>
that works Atari.
Arturo(Fri Feb 26 15:10:07 CST 2010)>
Thank you.
Arturo(Fri Feb 26 15:10:08 CST 2010)>
Thank you for your patience, keep in mind that we offer our Norton security suite at no charge.
Arturo(Fri Feb 26 15:10:27 CST 2010)>
Thank you.
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:10:47 CST 2010)>
huh? I don't care about that...i got me some security already! let's just get my bill down yo!
Arturo(Fri Feb 26 15:11:13 CST 2010)>
Please wait, while the problem is escalated to another analyst
analyst Daniel has entered room
analyst Arturo has left room
Daniel(Fri Feb 26 15:11:40 CST 2010)>
good afternoon
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:11:46 CST 2010)>
hey - we have the same name!
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:11:56 CST 2010)>
you have to hook me up with a good package! wink
Daniel(Fri Feb 26 15:12:16 CST 2010)>
Seems like your information didnt post, How may i help you today??
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:13:11 CST 2010)>
ok...well my plan ends on 2/4 and I don't want some lame spike in my bill...156 bucks for internet and cable
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:13:19 CST 2010)>
is what I pay now.
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:13:50 CST 2010)>
since my name is Daniel too I think you can make it so my promotion extends...or get's better. Isn't that right same name friend??
Daniel(Fri Feb 26 15:14:18 CST 2010)>
Sorry Dan,At this time, I am only able to process new service orders or service upgrades through our Web site. To request a disconnection or other changes in your service, please call 1-888-COMCAST and a Customer Account Executive will ensure your order is processed correctly.
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:14:46 CST 2010)>
pfft! you made a mortal enemy today
Daniel(Fri Feb 26 15:14:54 CST 2010)>
naw man
Daniel(Fri Feb 26 15:15:02 CST 2010)>
i just cant help you
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:15:25 CST 2010)>
Fios for life!!!
Daniel(Fri Feb 26 15:15:42 CST 2010)>
i only handle new customers
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:16:08 CST 2010)>
whatevs...beat it nerds...Danny out!
Some things you should know - I'm not a grammer nerd and I will leave out words. I'll try to make sure all my sentences have all the words they should, but chances are I'll miss some. And don't be shocked if my punctuation isn't perfect....
I also love to use ellipses because sometimes I need to just move on from one thought to the next one. If I don't I could possibly suffer a brain aneuysm.
Finally I know what my first 3 posts will be and it'll seem like this blog has some sort of theme, but that's not that case. I know that I'll never be able to keep to a theme. If it turns out that I actually maintain this blog the end will result will probably resemble what a massive stroke would like if a stroke could be illustrated by a blog...and on that terrible "joke's" note I'll move on.
Anyway, I found out that dealing with my cable company was both easier and more fun when I did it online instead of calling them. Being on hold is a lot easier when it's a webpage. Also, you can save the transcript and a year later start a lame blog and make it your first entry. So I contacted them to see if I could extend my promotional rate...and just like that one time a girl rejected me, it didn't go as well as I hoped.
Problem: my promotion ends 3/2...I want to see what I can do to extend it
End Session
user Dan_ has entered room
Dan(Fri Feb 26 15:02:03 CST 2010)>
my promotion ends 3/2...I want to see what I can do to extend it
analyst Arturo has entered room
Arturo(Fri Feb 26 15:02:05 CST 2010)>
Hello Dan_, Thank you for contacting Comcast Live Chat Support. My name is Arturo. Please give me one moment to review your information.
Arturo(Fri Feb 26 15:02:16 CST 2010)>
I am sorry for the inconvience,I will be more than happy to process your request.
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:03:09 CST 2010)>
thank you. let me know if you need more info...basically I feel that what I pay now is sufficient for the services I get....i don't want a bill that's 200 plus...
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:04:46 CST 2010)>
the song "so tired, tired of waiting, tired of waiting for you" is playing through my head right now! haha
Arturo(Fri Feb 26 15:03:07 CST 2010)>
Thank You for your patience, please continue to hold while I pull up the information.
Arturo(Fri Feb 26 15:05:05 CST 2010)>
Let me pull up your information, do you have your account number with you?
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:05:14 CST 2010)>
sorry, I don't.
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:05:22 CST 2010)>
would my address work?
Arturo(Fri Feb 26 15:05:44 CST 2010)>
Thank you, can I please have your name and address for security purposes.
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:06:06 CST 2010)>
732 Jared Road, Oreland, PA 19075
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:06:14 CST 2010)>
Springfield Represent!!!
Arturo(Fri Feb 26 15:06:15 CST 2010)>
Thank you.
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:07:19 CST 2010)>
you're welcome my man
Arturo(Fri Feb 26 15:08:23 CST 2010)>
Looking at the package, I apologize for the wait, thank you for your patience.
Arturo(Fri Feb 26 15:09:44 CST 2010)>
There may be an upgrade package avialable, however I will have to get you to our sales team, is that ok.
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:10:02 CST 2010)>
that works Atari.
Arturo(Fri Feb 26 15:10:07 CST 2010)>
Thank you.
Arturo(Fri Feb 26 15:10:08 CST 2010)>
Thank you for your patience, keep in mind that we offer our Norton security suite at no charge.
Arturo(Fri Feb 26 15:10:27 CST 2010)>
Thank you.
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:10:47 CST 2010)>
huh? I don't care about that...i got me some security already! let's just get my bill down yo!
Arturo(Fri Feb 26 15:11:13 CST 2010)>
Please wait, while the problem is escalated to another analyst
analyst Daniel has entered room
analyst Arturo has left room
Daniel(Fri Feb 26 15:11:40 CST 2010)>
good afternoon
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:11:46 CST 2010)>
hey - we have the same name!
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:11:56 CST 2010)>
you have to hook me up with a good package! wink
Daniel(Fri Feb 26 15:12:16 CST 2010)>
Seems like your information didnt post, How may i help you today??
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:13:11 CST 2010)>
ok...well my plan ends on 2/4 and I don't want some lame spike in my bill...156 bucks for internet and cable
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:13:19 CST 2010)>
is what I pay now.
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:13:50 CST 2010)>
since my name is Daniel too I think you can make it so my promotion extends...or get's better. Isn't that right same name friend??
Daniel(Fri Feb 26 15:14:18 CST 2010)>
Sorry Dan,At this time, I am only able to process new service orders or service upgrades through our Web site. To request a disconnection or other changes in your service, please call 1-888-COMCAST and a Customer Account Executive will ensure your order is processed correctly.
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:14:46 CST 2010)>
pfft! you made a mortal enemy today
Daniel(Fri Feb 26 15:14:54 CST 2010)>
naw man
Daniel(Fri Feb 26 15:15:02 CST 2010)>
i just cant help you
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:15:25 CST 2010)>
Fios for life!!!
Daniel(Fri Feb 26 15:15:42 CST 2010)>
i only handle new customers
Dan_(Fri Feb 26 14:16:08 CST 2010)>
whatevs...beat it nerds...Danny out!
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