I was a jackass last night.
This is one of those stories. It's September of 93 and I'm starting my junior year of college at West Chester University. I'm pretty psyched because it's the first year I'm living off campus. In my mind it's one of those big leaps you make while you evolve to a grown up. (side note - since that time I've only made the following "leaps" - got a job, live on my own, and adopted a pet, a cat named Butters. That's it). There are 5 of us live there and one guy, Dan something (I'm the worst rememberer of names ever), is 21. The rest of us are 20.
It's the first weekend and it's decided that we should throw a party. Why not it's the first weekend of the semester, and while we are all aware of the routine - that the first weekend cops are pretty hard ass about underage drinking and loud parties - we figure we'll be smart enough to keep the party in line and not let it get out of hand. We're really only going to invite girlfriends, some of their friends, a few of our friends, and the 4 cute girls we just met who live above us. Clearly there will be bigger parties out there at frats and whatnots. We'll be fine.
So we get 2 kegs and the party starts off as planned. 20-30 people. Music playing, kids dancing, Play and I have a classic rap battle where in the end everyone wins and life is good!
OK, now this picture is definitely a better visual representation of the night so far! But things quickly spun out of control from this point on. By the time hour 2 of the party started we were up to probably 100 people or so. We should maybe be a little concerned...however the beers are starting to kick in, no one is worried and life is good...for about 10 more minutes. Right then we here the unmistakable loud knocking by someone who is clearly not happy to be outside our door. It's a cop...he comes in and he is pissed.
After Dan is given the citation, he throws it on the kitchen table and walks way. At which point I make what I figure is a wise decision and put the citation in my back pocket so we don't end up losing it.
We then determine that we should hit some parties, have fun, and when the time feels right, grab the taps at these parties so we can drink the kegs late night at our place. At this point my girlfriend shows up with her friends and I tell them what happened. She and her friends want to chill for a bit before heading out to any other parties and suggest that the one guy from their group who is 21 go get a bunch of 6 packs. Seems like a good idea to me, plus Jake's Bar is only a few blocks away. So I walk down there with the girlfriend, another girl that she's friend's with, and two guys they know but I don't. They are, however, 21 and that is all that matters to me. So guy one goes in to the bar, gets two 6 packs, hands them to girlfriend's friend, and walks in to get more. Then around the corner come two cop cars...
Mother 'effer!! The cops this time are more harsh. Not only is my girlfriend's friend getting hit with possession of alcohol by a minor, they are taking her to the police station. Awesome. This girl is now a mess, crying and pleading with the cops forever trying to get them to let her go with just the fine. But it's not happening. Bye-bye girl I hardly know! But of course my girl knows her and we can't just leave her stranded. So we look for a pay phone...you know, since this is 93 and only people like Zack Morris have cell phones. We find one and I walk up to to to call the police station.
Yep, it's the same cop that was at our house earlier and gave my roommate a citation. So we go through the motions of why he stopped me...tells me I'm getting a citation for underage drinking and then he pats me down and makes me empty my pockets...in one of the pockets is the citation for our house. The cop examines everything I hand over, including the citation...when he gets to it he initially seems a tad confused...then realizes the deal and says to me (his exact words) " Are you one of the idiots from 525 S Walnut??"..."Yep, sure am." I reply...As for his follow up question? Well I had no answer for it....and today I still don't. The question was "How in the hell can you be so stupid??"
And the beer that I just couldn't be without with for the 15 minutes it would have taken me to walk the girl home?
Science is responsible for breast implants and this...well this here is a pretty poor example of science ruining stuff....so we're moving on...
Heaven!Pretty much everyone I know wants to end up in Heaven after they die. Of course my heaven will be more awesome than this artist's rendition, what with all the 80s dance parties and body shots that will be going on. And my Heaven will have a lot more pools than lakes, rivers, seas, oceans, straits, gulfs, lochs, ponds, steams, creeks, and moats. I would, however, like to hang out with lions and tigers without fear of being mauled. And the idea of a Creator and a Heaven seen pretty legit. It makes me think that maybe those 3 hours of community service I've done during my life may pay dividends when I meet the big guy in the sky.
Then along come Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodindow with their book, The Grand Design, where they state because of the laws of physics, like gravity, there is no need for a God/Creator to get the universe started. Thanks Johnny Science and LeoNERD. What's next? Spilling the beans about Santa to a 5 yr old while she's on the train during the holiday season with her parents? Well I've done that, and let me tell you - it's not a good feeling.
Ugh, I'll never get those 3 hours of community service back...
****So this post came to me during a quality drinking and gambling binge while in Atlantic City. And it seemed pretty funny at the time, especially the part about Pi. But that sincerely maybe the worst part about this post...even worst than saying how science ruined windmills...
* See I called my undies a naughty bits hat because it covers me naughty bits! Pretty clever, huh??